Our church ministry contains a variety of services for all of your family’s needs under the leadership of Danette Liedtke, our Children’s Ministry Director. We are able to offer a wide range of teaching styles to suit any age group and learning style! It is a place where children feel welcomed, valued, and cared for, while they learn who Jesus is, and how to follow Him. Our goal at K.I.D.S. Church is to create a safe place where kids have so much fun learning about God, they don’t want to miss a single week! It’s a place where they feel accepted and loved, and where we can equip them to be leaders for the Kingdom through our adult volunteers who serve with great joy and passion. We want the time they spend with us to be the best hour of their week!
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”- Luke 18:16

Nursery Ministries Children from newborn to two years old are welcomed to play and explore in our Nursery downstairs during the Sunday Morning Service.

Preschool & Kindergarten Ministries Children, ages 3-5, love the small group format offered during the Sunday Morning Service. Children learn while having fun through Bible teaching with the use of crafts, songs, memory verses, gospel illustration, and object lessons. With the use of specific teaching geared toward your toddler, they will come away with a foundational knowledge of who God is and that He loves them. All children must be signed in and out by their parent/guardian. Children and parents will be dismissed from the Sunday Service.
Elementary Ministries KIDS Church meets each Sunday morning and is designed for children in grades 1-6. Each week we investigate the truth of God’s Word through games, songs, memory verses and object lessons and discover the how to walk with Jesus following His example. Your child won’t want to miss all the good things happening in KIDS Church. A great way to connect, meet new friends while learning how to live God’s Word! Children will be dismissed from the Sunday Service.