Our Mission
As a Women’s Network, our goal is to connect with women of all ages, help develop relationships with other women, and encourage growth in Jesus Christ. PPT Women’s Network aims to meet the needs of women in all stages of life. We encourage community involvement in all our events; so come out and invite a friend!
We desire that all women develop a passionate love for Jesus Christ and His Word. 
Our ladies work to provide meals for families who are going through difficult times. We encourage community involvement in all our events, so come out and invite a friend.
Throughout the year our ladies enjoy gathering together for times of refreshing. These events encourage women of all ages and stages of life to connect. Let’s develop authentic relationships—filled with laughter, built on faith and lived in love!
Bible Studies
Weekly, fall through spring, we embark on a journey through Bible studies specifically aimed at women. Our Women’s Bible Study will be resuming on October 16th at 10am in our Prayer Room. Please join us weekly on Wednesday mornings as we explore “Faith in Hostile Times”. 
Faith in Hostile Times – Are you overwhelmed by the godlessness sweeping across our world and flooding every corner of cyberspace? Are you disillusioned that the most vitriolic voices in debates are sometimes those of people calling themselves Christians? In this five-part series, Berni Dymet explores how Jesus engaged with and responded to people who were hostile toward Him. In Jesus’ example, we find a way to hold tight to the truth, while speaking it in love.
For more information on all Women’s Network Bible Studies and special events see the church bulletin or call the church Office at (613) 732-9721.